How LendingPatterns™ Can Help You Avoid Redlining

Mortgage lending can be a complicated process sometimes, with dozens of factors taken into consideration before approving an applicant for a loan. Unfortunately, lenders can often be so focused on the data and statistics that they may inadvertently be declining...

Almost 2019: Year-in review perspective of HMDA developments

As we ring in the new year, it is helpful to recap where we are on three different HMDA fronts: 1) data collection, 2) ensuring data quality within the private data, and 3) disclosure and analysis of public data. In each area, I’ll describe the major developments over...

DIY Statistical Analysis of HMDA Data

HMDA data is not just about collecting and reporting.  If used right, it can be a strategic asset that can produce bottom-line results.  I encourage you to make the most of your data by asking and answering questions based on HMDA results you see in LendingPatterns™....

What’s the latest on Public 2017 HMDA Data?

In years past, FFIEC’s release of public HMDA data from the previous year had been finalized by November. But not so this year. My colleagues and I have been getting questions about whether the 2017 public data are final, so this blog will hopefully provide clarity on...